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The original Hermione hat, from a publicity still released recently:

Here is my interpretation of Hermione's hat in the upcoming Harry Potter film, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince:
I think I've come very close, but would like to make a couple of mentions before I introduce the pattern. First, I apparently can't count past 3, so my sample has a couple of errors. The pattern is, I hope, correct. Next, the hat, as pictured, does fit me, but not very well. I will make notations in the pattern of how I plan to make my next hat that will hopefully fit me better. Mostly I think I will just add another cable twist and set of eyelets so that there are 4 instead of 3. The fit issue seemed to be more of a length thing than a width thing.
I should add that despite the hat not quite fitting me right, I do have a large noggin. lol. According to CYC sizing standards, a woman's hat should fit a woman with a 20" head. I have a 22" head. My oldest has a 19.5" head (she's in the last 2 pics on my blog), and my youngest (shown above) has an 18.5" head.
If you want to make the hat larger around, you'll need to do one of two things. You can add 22 stitches to the cast on, giving you 12 cables around the hat instead of 10. can only add 12 stitches, then decrease by 1 stitch once the 1x1 ribbing is done. (Adding 11 will give you an odd cast-on number and screw up the ribbing.)
1 Skein Patons Classic Merino in the colorway Grey Mix (I used probably a little over half a skein, but people on Ravelry are reporting that they've used closer to a full skein)
Size US5 (3.75mm) 16" circular needles
Size US5 (3.75mm) double-pointed needles
7 stitches and 9 rows per inch
Cast-on 110 using the Alternate Cable Cast-On. Join for working in the round, being careful not to twist.
Rows 1-16: [K1, P1] rib around
Rows 17-20: [K6, P5] around
Row 21: [K6, P1, YO, P2tog, P2] around
Row 22: [K6, P5] around
Row 23: [K6, P2, YO, P2tog, P1] around
Row 24: [K6, P5] around
Row 25: [K6, P3, YO, P2tog] around
Row 26: [K6, P5] around
Row 27: [Slip 3 stitches onto cable needle and hold in front of work, K3, knit stitches on cable needle, P5] around
Row 28-33: [K6, P5] around
Row 34: [K6, P1, YO, P2tog, P2] around
Row 35: [K6, P5] around
Row 36: [K6, P2, YO, P2tog, P1] around
Row 37: [K6, P5] around
Row 38: [K6, P3, YO, P2tog] around
Row 39: [K6, P5] around
Row 40: [Slip 3 stitches onto cable needle and hold in front of work, K3, knit stitches on cable needle, P5] around
Repeat rows 28-40 once more for a child's hat and twice more for a woman's hat.
Begin decreasing:
Row 1: [K6, P5] around
Row 2: [K6, P2tog, P3] around
Row 3: [K6, P2tog, P2] around
Row 4: [K6, P2tog, P1] around
Row 4.5: Errata: add a row of [K6, K2tog] around
Row 5: K6, K2tog [K5, K2tog] around (note: you will include the first knit stitch of the next row in your final K2tog. From here on out, the final K2tog will end with the first stitch of the next row. (If this doesn't make sense, please leave me a note in the comments and I will elaborate.)
Row 6: K5, K2tog [K4, K2tog] around
Row 7: K4, K2tog [K3, K2tog] around
Row 8: K3, K2tog [K2, K2tog] around
Row 9: K2, K2tog [K1, K2tog] around
Row 10: K2tog around
Row 11: K2tog around
Cut yarn and pull through remaining 5 stitches.
Tuck in ends.

Edited 7/17/09: After seeing the movie, it appears that the crown in the movie version was sewn. Instead of decreasing, continue the pattern in a tube until it is too long for the head. Then turn it inside out and sew in a curve to fit the head. Be sure to sew a few seams or serge the seam to be sure your work doesn't unravel. Then trim and turn right side out.
For a free chart for Hermione's scarf, click HERE!
Edited 8/11/09: After a second viewing of the movie, I'm in agreement that the hat is more squared, though I don't think it's an actual straight seam. It appears to be shaped more like the cosymakes hat HERE. The difference being Hermione's hat has an actual seam, whereas the cosymakes version is seamless along the sides, using decreases instead. To do this, I have a couple thoughts, but haven't tried either. First, you could stop working in the round halfway up and go back and forth using decreases on the sides to create the hexagon type top, then seam the two parts together. The other, you could create a simple tube in pattern, seam the top, then pull the corners in and seam those. I currently do NOT plan to alter my pattern using either of these methods. Please feel free to leave a link in the comments if you attempt a different crown.
©2008-2009 Please do not copy this pattern or make and sell items made from any of my patterns without permission.