Friday, February 23, 2007

Who Wants a Sneak Peek?

Dyeing my latest batch of yarn has been going very slowly. The whole crew here has been sick, which means no one is sleeping and everyone is cranky. Cranky 9 month olds mean Mom isn't getting any sleep OR any time for herself. Hopefully we're in the downswing and I can get back to it very soon.

I have managed to get a few skeins dyed though. Wanna see? I thought you might...

The top three skeins are self-striping and the bottom skein is variegated. Not all have names yet, but I'm working on it! Hopefully these and more will be posted sometime next week if I can get my family healthy again sometime soon.


  1. Your yarns are beautiful!! I especially like the top one.

    Hope your family start feeling better soon.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, and for the nice comments. No - I have not seen the site you mentioned. May check it out.

  2. The yarns are absolutely gorgeous! Keep up the beautiful work!
