Sunday, January 25, 2009

Another Sneak Peek

The secret project is done and is blocking now! I love the way the stitch pattern looks when blocked. My apologies for the quilt background. This wasn't a choreographed photo shoot. ;)
I'm hoping to have the pattern written by the end of the week and a photo shoot of the final product in action within the next two weeks. Then, the pattern will be available for sale in my Etsy shop!


  1. Yummy! I recently used one of my crochet hooks for something besides picking up dropped stitches, too. I dragged out my rusty crochet skills and whipped up a water bottle holder. It's crude, but fills the bill perfectly. I actually took some pictures, now to get them on my blog.

  2. That is stunningly beautiful! Great work, my twitter friend.

  3. I can't wait to see the whole thing! I am strictly a knitter, but that is tempting. My dad used to crochet lace tablecloths in fine cotton and your shawl reminds me of them.

  4. I can't wait to see the whole thing! I am strictly a knitter but that is tempting. My dad used to crochet lace tablecloths and that reminds me of them.
