Friday, November 13, 2009

Cards, Cards, and more Cards

Yesterday, I was feeling a bit under the weather. Just a cold. The sniffles. Just enough to not want to do much except curl up in my chair and watch television all day.

But you know me; my hands need to be doing something. So I continued the weekend's theme and created some more cards. I used tiny colorful crochet thread and made mini granny squares and adhered them to some pre-scored cards. I managed to churn out 16 of them (4 of each color).

I added those to the cards I made during my weekend getaway. Here are some little sheep gift tags. They still need a hole punched in them and some ribbon, but otherwise, they're done.

And when I saw this giraffe stamp, I just had to have it. As a knitter, I know how often we give scarves as gifts. Someone would have to have a mighty long neck to wear them all! ;)

Of course, sock monkeys have fast become the cornerstone of my business. So they get some time in the spotlight.

And some nice, simple sheep. Very country.

I made about 30 of each type. Currently, my cards are only available at shows. They make a nice addition to my product line and I do fairly well with them, even though I only make them a couple times a year and then stash them away. I've been toying with the idea of also offering them in my online stores, but I can't decide. Sell them individually like I do at my shows? ($2.75 for the smaller ones and $3.75 for the hand-knit and hand-crocheted ones.) Or sell them as sets or assortments? I find myself unable to answer these questions, so I end up just stashing them again for shows. At least if I only sell them at shows, I don't have to make them year-round. I absolutely love making them, but with all the other things I do (dyeing, beading, resin, sewing, etc.), there's just not a lot of me to go around. Welcome to my internal dialog. ;) What are your thoughts?
Today my oldest is off from school in observance of Veteran's Day. Our resident veteran went out last night and is now sleeping in, so I'm taking the girls out for some special Mom time. I hope you're able to squeeze in some quality time with your families today too. They make all the other stuff worthwhile!


  1. I would buy the cards from you if you offered them online! Love the giraffe and monkeys!

  2. O Love the Giraffe card. I am sure they would sell on line!
