Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Miss Kate's Sock

As I shared in my last post, Miss Kate (age 3) has been begging me to knit her a pair of socks. I needed a bit of a palate cleanser (as Kathleen Taylor would say), so I cast on over the weekend. Of course, I still need to make another. But Miss Kate is VERY excited. Can you tell?

-Yarn: Patons Stretch Socks [50g, 239 yards, 41% cotton/39% wool/13% nylon/7% elastic]
-Colorway: Sugar
-Needles: Size US1 DPNs
-Pattern: Yarn Harlot's Basic Sock Recipe from Knitting Rules! (easy peasy...quickly becoming my favorite for plain socks)

The first sock only weighs 0.5oz, so with a 1.75oz skein, I'll have plenty left over...just not enough left for another pair. Maybe socks for my new godbaby? We'll find out gender in December, so maybe! Though I suppose I should wrap up this pair before I get ahead of myself. ;)

Miss Kate is such a ham!

This, dear friends, is why I knit.