Saturday, January 01, 2011

New Years Reflections

I just reread last year's post: Resolve.

All I can say!

1. I'm getting more sleep, but only because I've had this insane never-ending headache since mid-August. And, well, it makes me really tired. So can we give that one half a checkmark?
2. Finishing more projects and keeping the UFOs under control? I think I've started more without finishing much of anything. I'll work on that. Maybe.
3. Weight loss and getting healthy? I was doing okay-ish until the headache started. I *am* recommitting to that.
4. Getting the house in order: well, we DO now have dining room furniture. Gorgeous perfect dining room furniture. But the house itself is far from a well-oiled machine. It's never all that oiled when Mr. Yarnworks is deployed.
5. Doing more with the kids outside the house: again, semi-check. We enjoyed more time outdoors, taking walks, going to the park, etc. But our mini field trips didn't happen as planned. Mr. Yarnworks wants to attempt that this summer. We're planning some major (and unavoidable) home renovations this summer, so we'll need to keep busy.
6. I did not even work on the TKGA Masters program. Somehow it kept moving down the priority list. I think I'm going to save it for when Miss Kate starts Kindergarten and I have more child-free time. This year wasn't exactly rich in "me time."
7. My book is still coming along, but sloooowly.
8. I honestly have NO CLUE what this super secret non-knitting resolution was all about.

This year? I'm going to keep it REALLY simple. I'm going to set one goal for each aspect of my life. Since apparently resolutions just incite excuses.

My resolution is simply to lose weight. I'm a smidge above a healthy weight and I need to get back to the land of healthy.

My goal is to double everything. It's a lofty goal, but I'm confident that I can pull it off. Double the Facebook Fans, double the website visits, double the sales. This will allow me to NOT go back to a day job once Miss Kate starts Kindergarten. It will keep me home for the kids when I'm needed, and doing something I love.

I think getting healthy and working hard so I can stay home are very good goals...and easier to remember than last year's list! I'll work on the rest of last year's resolutions too, but I make no promises.

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