Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Photographing Blues and Purples

My favorite color is purple. I love all purples, which is probably what makes purple my ultimate favorite. I love lilacs and periwinkles and plums and eggplants... My ultimate favorites tend to be in the plum/eggplant type family, the deeper darker hues, but I love them all.

So why is it that I can't photograph them? *sigh* Blues seem to intensify way too much in all of my digital pictures. So that when I do my best to adjust the color using my antiquated (and free) software, it completely skews what was once a beautiful background.

Yellow snow. Ewwwww....

But here are two purples I created in an attempt to recreate a yarn for the lovely AuntieAnn. On my monitor at least, the purple is ALMOST correct. Enough that hopefully she can pick a favorite. The other will soon be listed in my Etsy store. Looking at them together, they still don't seem that different. The top one is a tad more "grape" with a tinge more red in the purple. The bottom one is a bluer purple and a bit more variegated. I prefer the bottom skein myself, just because of its depth and intensity...both lost with my piss poor photography.
Maybe it's time for a class and a software upgrade....

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog by accident through Ravelry and I hope that my comment isn't out of line and maybe you already know this, but does your camera have a white balance setting? Using an incorrect setting can cause pictures to be too blue for example because it adjusts to a different kind of light, for example artificial light when you're taking the picture outside. If your camera has that kind of setting it could save you the trouble of getting new software :) This tutorial seems to explain it rather well

    And your yarn is very pretty :)
