Saturday, March 01, 2008

Housing Update

This will be my last blog entry written from this old, crappy, dilapidated home. I'm very excited about that! The stars have been aligned just right and the universe has been giving me signs along the way and we have a new home!

It doesn't look like much, but this house is so much better for our family even ignoring the mold, health, and safety issues. The girls will no longer have to share a room. Big Sister is VERY excited about that. It also has a large room downstairs absolutely perfect for my home office/knitting studio. AND we will have an honest-to-goodness guest room for the first time in the 9+ years Mr. Yarnworks and I have been together. The yard is a good size and fenced in. I told a friend yesterday that if this house had a 2 car garage, higher ceilings in the basement, and a back door to the backyard that didn't involve going through the garage, this would be a house I would buy. I don't think I could find anything closer to our perfect home to rent, especially given our decision to move quickly and within our budget. What's even cooler is that my boss used to live in this house. We knew it was coming available and while Mr. Yarnworks was home over Christmas, we walked through it. Even before getting hold of him, I knew he would approve of this house and this move. That's made this an easier burden to bear.
Today, I am packing like a mad woman. Tomorrow we're moving. Unfortunately, my computer will be staying in the old house so I can continue to run the business until internet is hooked up to the new house on Wednesday. I'm hoping to make this move as seamless as possible from the business end.
I'm really excited about my extra business workspace in the new house. I've felt limited by the space here for awhile. I think this is my year for growth. Everything is falling into place, little by little. I *do* have lots of new yarns and stitch markers I had intended to launch today. They will have to wait. I'm hoping to have lots of goodies for you by next weekend! I'll probably post teasers when my internet is working at the new house.
Wish us luck. The next couple of days are going to be utter madness!
(*sidenote: sorry about the weird formatting with the periods. For some reason Blogger gives me fits when I try to space out my paragraphs after a photo.)


  1. Wonderful! Wonderful! The house looks and sounds perfect! I am so glad you are moving. Enjoy your new space and we'll enjoy your next post after the move.
