Friday, May 02, 2008

Tablecloth Update

As you all know, I finished the Never-Ending Tablecloth a couple weeks ago. Well, since then, I've been trying to reach the woman who hired me to complete the project. All my emails are bouncing and no one is answering her phone -- not even voicemail. *sigh* I hope this wasn't all for nothing....


  1. Oh no, oh no --

    But it is so gorgeous, hopefully you could auction it off on ebay (if you can't auction things on Etsy). That is, if she doesn't get in touch with you.

  2. I'd feel too incredibly horrible auctioning it off since her grandmother made the center doily. I have collected a $100 deposit for it at least, but after supply costs, over 5 months of work, and around 200 hours into it...

  3. oh no! that is insane. did she contact you at any point along the way? Any other way to track her down??
    I'll keep my fingers crossed, its such a beautiful piece!

  4. Yep, she's been emailing about once a month, anxious to hear that I'm done. I keep hoping she'll email or contact me again somehow soon. I plan to try her home number a few times this weekend. Maybe I'll get lucky and catch someone at home....or something.
