If you're anywhere near Minneapolis, MN this weekend, head just a bit east to the Washington County Fairgrounds in Lake Elmo, MN for the
Shepherd's Harvest Sheep and Wool Festival!
If you can't make it, my stores will be going offline later tonight so that I don't accidentally sell anything twice! So now is the time to purchase, before it all disappears!
I plan to be back up and running, minus my show sales, on Monday or Tuesday depending on my exhaustion level! However, many categories will be a bit thread-bare until July or so. We're moving to our new house in June, so it will take awhile to get my studio set up and find time to replenish my inventory. Be patient. It will be well worth it! I'm planning a LOT of new yarn dyeing in my new home! Not to mention a couple new patterns that I've been hinting at, but haven't quite polished enough for sale yet.
I hope to see many of you at Shepherd's Harvest! Be sure to introduce yourselves!