The original Hermione hat, from a publicity still released recently:

Here is my interpretation of Hermione's hat in the upcoming Harry Potter film, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince:
I think I've come very close, but would like to make a couple of mentions before I introduce the pattern. First, I apparently can't count past 3, so my sample has a couple of errors. The pattern is, I hope, correct. Next, the hat, as pictured, does fit me, but not very well. I will make notations in the pattern of how I plan to make my next hat that will hopefully fit me better. Mostly I think I will just add another cable twist and set of eyelets so that there are 4 instead of 3. The fit issue seemed to be more of a length thing than a width thing.
I should add that despite the hat not quite fitting me right, I do have a large noggin. lol. According to CYC sizing standards, a woman's hat should fit a woman with a 20" head. I have a 22" head. My oldest has a 19.5" head (she's in the last 2 pics on my blog), and my youngest (shown above) has an 18.5" head.
If you want to make the hat larger around, you'll need to do one of two things. You can add 22 stitches to the cast on, giving you 12 cables around the hat instead of 10. can only add 12 stitches, then decrease by 1 stitch once the 1x1 ribbing is done. (Adding 11 will give you an odd cast-on number and screw up the ribbing.)
1 Skein Patons Classic Merino in the colorway Grey Mix (I used probably a little over half a skein, but people on Ravelry are reporting that they've used closer to a full skein)
Size US5 (3.75mm) 16" circular needles
Size US5 (3.75mm) double-pointed needles
7 stitches and 9 rows per inch
Cast-on 110 using the Alternate Cable Cast-On. Join for working in the round, being careful not to twist.
Rows 1-16: [K1, P1] rib around
Rows 17-20: [K6, P5] around
Row 21: [K6, P1, YO, P2tog, P2] around
Row 22: [K6, P5] around
Row 23: [K6, P2, YO, P2tog, P1] around
Row 24: [K6, P5] around
Row 25: [K6, P3, YO, P2tog] around
Row 26: [K6, P5] around
Row 27: [Slip 3 stitches onto cable needle and hold in front of work, K3, knit stitches on cable needle, P5] around
Row 28-33: [K6, P5] around
Row 34: [K6, P1, YO, P2tog, P2] around
Row 35: [K6, P5] around
Row 36: [K6, P2, YO, P2tog, P1] around
Row 37: [K6, P5] around
Row 38: [K6, P3, YO, P2tog] around
Row 39: [K6, P5] around
Row 40: [Slip 3 stitches onto cable needle and hold in front of work, K3, knit stitches on cable needle, P5] around
Repeat rows 28-40 once more for a child's hat and twice more for a woman's hat.
Begin decreasing:
Row 1: [K6, P5] around
Row 2: [K6, P2tog, P3] around
Row 3: [K6, P2tog, P2] around
Row 4: [K6, P2tog, P1] around
Row 4.5: Errata: add a row of [K6, K2tog] around
Row 5: K6, K2tog [K5, K2tog] around (note: you will include the first knit stitch of the next row in your final K2tog. From here on out, the final K2tog will end with the first stitch of the next row. (If this doesn't make sense, please leave me a note in the comments and I will elaborate.)
Row 6: K5, K2tog [K4, K2tog] around
Row 7: K4, K2tog [K3, K2tog] around
Row 8: K3, K2tog [K2, K2tog] around
Row 9: K2, K2tog [K1, K2tog] around
Row 10: K2tog around
Row 11: K2tog around
Cut yarn and pull through remaining 5 stitches.
Tuck in ends.
Edited 7/17/09: After seeing the movie, it appears that the crown in the movie version was sewn. Instead of decreasing, continue the pattern in a tube until it is too long for the head. Then turn it inside out and sew in a curve to fit the head. Be sure to sew a few seams or serge the seam to be sure your work doesn't unravel. Then trim and turn right side out.
For a free chart for Hermione's scarf, click HERE!
Edited 8/11/09: After a second viewing of the movie, I'm in agreement that the hat is more squared, though I don't think it's an actual straight seam. It appears to be shaped more like the cosymakes hat HERE. The difference being Hermione's hat has an actual seam, whereas the cosymakes version is seamless along the sides, using decreases instead. To do this, I have a couple thoughts, but haven't tried either. First, you could stop working in the round halfway up and go back and forth using decreases on the sides to create the hexagon type top, then seam the two parts together. The other, you could create a simple tube in pattern, seam the top, then pull the corners in and seam those. I currently do NOT plan to alter my pattern using either of these methods. Please feel free to leave a link in the comments if you attempt a different crown.
©2008-2009 Please do not copy this pattern or make and sell items made from any of my patterns without permission.
Absolutely spot on, I can't wait to cast on!
Beautiful pattern. I would definitely be interested in help making it longer. I also have a 22" head and I find it interesting because I was searching for hat sizing and it said that 55cm (almost 22") is average for a woman. I always thought I had a small head so I wonder where CYC gets their sizing. My boyfriend has a bigger head than me and I know my dad and my uncles do too. Weird. Anyway, great work, I'm really excited for this pattern. Thanks.
Thanks so much for the pattern it has saved me loads of time trying to figure it myself! You should register it on Ravelry!
I've casted on and can't get it to work. Isn't it a K6,P6 instead of K6,P5? Doesn't the row 20 K6, P1, YO, P2tog, P3 leave you with six stitches to purl on the row 21? I'm new to lace (but not to cables) so maybe I'm missing something obvious. Thanks! I'll work at it and let you know how it comes out.
Katherine, you're absolutely right. That's what I get for making the pattern after completion, instead of taking notes along the way. I'll fix it now!
No, it is right. Row 20 says K6, P1 YO P2tog P2 not P3 so it would give 5 stitches, not 6
I love the pattern! but I was wondering, what is the yardage on this hat? How many skeins of Patons would I need?
Thank you!
Hi Katie!
It was less than one skein. Probably just a little over half a skein.
Just finished and I am very pleased with the result. I used Malabrigo Worsted in Orchid and 4.5mm. I didn't bother with gauge (blush) so it is a bit on te big side (especially lengthwise) but I turned up the bottom and it is so cosy and really pretty. I did however have some problems with the decrease rounds.
After R4 I had 80 stitches so when I did K6, K2tog [K5, K2tog]around I had 2 stitches eft after the final K2tog.
i.e. what I did was K6, K2tog [K5, K2tog]x 10, K2 - thereby decreasing 11 stitches.
The same on following rows.
So I abandoned that and instead did the following:
R5: [ssk,k2,k2tog, p2] x 10 (60st)
R6: [ssk,k2tog, p2] x 10 (40st)
R7: [k2tog,p2tog] x 10 (20st)
R8: k2tog x 10 (10st)
R9: k2tog x 10 (5st)
It worked out fine and still looks much the same as yours.
Thanks once again for doing the work on this, I will be making another soon in grey alpaca for my niece.
AWESOME!!! Guess what my granddaughter will get for Christmas? :P My daughter might get one too :). Thank you so much for this awesome pattern. :)
Thank you so much for posting this! I just finished my hat, but I used thinner needles so I had to adapt the pattern a bit. A picture here: if you want to have a look!
Now I'm off to order your Rosalie gloves pattern, I need some gloves to go with my hat :-)
Just wanted to add my thanks for this pattern and for making it available to all. I just finished mine and I love it so much, I think I'll have to make another one for myself after I give this one way away for Christmas.
Lovely pattern! Has anyone tried with a larger needle size? I'm stuck at home with size 7 needles and DK weight yarn. I was hoping it would work. Any suggestions?
Audrey - can't hurt to try! Knit up a little swatch and do some math and see what you come up with. Email me at jlyarnworks [at] gmail [dot] com if you want help. :) Good luck!
The First needle you cast on with, is it the dpns or the circulars?
Cast on with the circular. When you decrease to the point that there are too few stitches to continue to use the circular, switch to the DPNs. Hope that helps!
I'm the anonymous who said:
The First needle you cast on with, is it the dpns or the circulars?
Thank you for the tip, regards
What is the "alternate cable cast-on method"?
Thanks, Kathryn
Ohmygod! That's goreous! Thank you so much! I can't wait to make that hat. The way you made it is beautiful. I can only dream that mine'll turn out as gorgeous as that!
I just added a link to the pattern, but a video of the alternate cable cast-on can be found here: Feel free to use any cast-on method you like. I just happen to love this method for 1x1 ribbing! It's a bit of a pain in the tush to execute, but the results are well worth it.
To anyone that is a little new to reading patterns (or like me, just missed it), this is worked in the ROUND. I worked it in rows on circ. needles and feel like a moron, but I can't be the only clueless person on the planet, so I thought I'd share. :)
Great pattern! :) I'm going to try it again now that I have learned to read. (sigh)
Ok I know I'm late to the party but I just saw this hat and I love it! I've cast on and I just posted about it in my blog. When it's done, I'll link to it on Rav. Great hat!
Excellent job on the pattern! (I found you through Knitting Knoobie)
I don't do any knitwear designing (or any other designing, for that matter), but I was wondering, since you said the fit issue was length not width, doesn't that mean you just need to knit longer before beginning your decreases?
So happy to have found your blog!
knittingbox on yahoo
ParkBenchKnitter-You're exactly right. To make the hat longer, you'd simply add a couple extra rows or another cable repeat. :)
Oh, this is stunning. I can't wait to cast on! It'll be a great project to try out new skills and just learn. Thank you so much! The hat is perfect! (:
This is a great pattern and I'm loving it so far. Only problem, I'm stuck! And a bit confused. :) Row 5 in the decrease rounds has me stumped. I had the same problem as maylin with 2 stitches left at the end of the round. I tried to use her method, but that doesn't work either. Any suggestions?
Anonymous-did you add the extra Row 4.5 line shown in red as errata? After Row 4 you should have 80 as maylin did, but after Row 4.5 you should be left with 70 stitches. If this doesn't solve your problem, please email me at jlyarnworks[at]gmail[dot]com and we'll get it figured out! Thanks so much!
Anonymous-did you add the extra Row 4.5 line shown in red as errata? After Row 4 you should have 80 as maylin did, but after Row 4.5 you should be left with 70 stitches. If this doesn't solve your problem, please email me at jlyarnworks[at]gmail[dot]com and we'll get it figured out! Thanks so much!
i've made this pattern once, and i'm currently in the process of doing it again. i'm using Manos Del Uruguay Cotton Stria and US size 4 needles (inexplicabley, it comes out larger, which is what i wanted, but makes no sense). Thanks for designing something that i want to make badly enough to force me to learn that fiddley cast on. :)
On the way home from the midnight showing, I said "I wonder how long it will be before someone has the pattern up for that hat. I would like to make one."
Less than 24 hours later, I have saved a copy of yours and will be choosing a yarn soon. The Internet Rocks. ;)
OMG!!! I have been googling since I got home from the movie in search of this hat!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am also working on the scarf in the photo too. If you want the pattern, i will be happy to send it to you after I perfect it.
Thank you, thank you for this pattern. Saw the movie yesterday and had to find a pattern for this hat, the only new knitting I liked. Can't wait to cast on (buying yarn today).
I noticed that, but I like your version better!
Sorry, I didn't explain. I like your decreasing better than the tube and sewn.
Thank you so much for this, my daughter has just seen the movie and loved that she could have a hat just like Hermione's.
This is fantastic!! I immediatley noticed her hat yesterday when I saw the movie!! Excellent job....
My eagle-eyed HP fan daughter just noticed that Hermione's hat seems to have a twisted rib *(K1tbl, p1)*. Other than that, you are surely spot-on! Love the hat sooooo much... my Christmas knitting list may be complete for several people now. Thanks for going through all this hard work so the rest of us don't have to.
found you on Ravelry - and queued this immediately
I just got home from the movie, where I fell in love with the hat. I'm starting this tomorrow!
That is so funny. I have this weird thing where when I see knitted things in movies I want to make them. Then i saw this and knew I wanted to make it, but then I was like ... "You know what? Google it. I can't be the only one who's thought of making that..."
If I add 12 stitches to create 11 cables instead of 10 to make it bigger, will any of the directions in the rows change? Kathy
You'll need to decrease by 1 stitch when you're done with the ribbing anywhere in that first pattern row. You'll also end up with an extra stitch at some point in the K2tog rows of the very tippity top, so just don't let that throw you. Otherwise, I think you should be fine!
What do you mean by trimming in your edit? Trim the extra yarn that you used for a seam or, more frighteningly, sew a seam across and then cut off extra knitted fabric?
I do mean trimming off the knitted portion. Please note that I have never done this myself, but I know it can be done. The extra knitted fabric would likely be too bulky to leave. Look up steeking for more information on how to safely cut knitted fabric.
Thank you SO MUCH for this pattern, I instantly fell in love with the hat when I saw the movie last week so your pattern saved me the time trying to figure it out myself, like it has for many other readers of your blog ;)
Thanks again, I'm looking forward to casting on the stitches :)
When you're decreasing, such as here:
Row 5: K6, K2tog [K5, K2tog] around (note: you will include the first knit stitch of the next row in your final K2tog. From here on out, the final K2tog will end with the first stitch of the next row. (If this doesn't make sense, please leave me a note in the comments and I will elaborate.)
Do you mean I should first K6, K2tg and then for the rest of the round K5, K2tog? Thanks!
Yes, that's exactly what I mean. Only repeat the part inside the [] for the remainder of the row. You'll be one stitch short for the final k2tog, so snag the first stitch of the next row to complete the final k2tog.
sorry for such a stupid question but: does the cast on row count as row 1 for k1p1?
Novice--no, do not count the cast-on row. However, you can make the k1,p1 ribbing as tall or short as you like. I specified rows to give you (what I felt) what was most similar to the hat Hermione wore in the movie. As long as the hat is tall enough before you begin your decreases, you'll be just fine. :)
The photo of the original shows a machine knitted hat - that's why it has the seams. Yours is so much better. Thank you - will try this.
Marianne N, Norway
Thank you so much for this gorgeous pattern. I really appreciate it. And don't feel bad about the head thing, mine measures just around 23" and I'm only 17.
Thank you for sharing this pattern, it works very well and my sister will love this hat!
Happy knitting
This is a such a lovely pattern! I can't wait to give it a go!
I totally remember that hat in the movie! I really don't know how, but you did it like exactly like the one in the movie! It's amazing! I hope I can do it as good as this one is!
Greetings from Jackson Hole Wyoming
I recently completed Hermione's hat. I use Mushishi. I used a #5
to do the ribbing and changed to a
#7 to do the main body of the hat.
I am not a swatcher, so I was taking a chance. I went through 3
repeats and then put it on my head. I figured I'd have to do the
4th repeat for the adult size, but wanted to try it on. Using the #7 made it fit me very nicely and I only needed to do the 3 repeats before the decrease repeats. It is a great pattern and I very much enjoyed doing it. I had no difficulty in reading the pattern. I plan to do a couple of plain color ones. Right now I am going to do a simple ribbed neck warmer to go with it. I'd like to do it in a solid. Our weather here in Jackson has taken a turn for the cold. It was 5 degrees above zero this morning. I think I finished this hat just in time. The one thing I did, was I made the ribbing band longer. I did a two inch band, and it was perfect.
Thanks ever so much for the design.
Nancy T.
I just finished the hat and love it! I have a 21" head and only needed to do 1 extra repeat instead of the 2 it called for on the adult size. I used a size five needle to complete both the ribbing and the body of the hat. This worked great for me! Thanks for the pattern.
You have so many nice comments here already but I wanted to add my own. Thank you so much for sharing this pattern, I really wanted to knit my 2yo a pretty cable hat and I came across yours. I made one for her using 3.25mm and 4 ply baby wool and its just gorgeous. I am now making about 6 more to give to other relatives.
Thanks again, EM
Thank you so much for the pattern! It's really beautiful.. I have translated the pattern to Norwegian, and wondered if I can publish it in my blog, with a link for your website. I have knitted 3 of them now, and think the pattern is fantastic!
That looks spot on!! Great eye for detail, awesome job! thanks!
Hi, I love the pattern. I never worked on lace before so i will give it a try. I have a question. I'm from the Netherlands, and before i begin i want to translate the pattern. There is one thing i can't figure out. What is YO?
Could you explane it to me you would be so helpfull!
Love from the Netherlands
Hi truus!
A YO is a yarn-over (or a yarn forward). It's when you wrap the yarn around the needle to create an eyelet.
Hope that helps! Good luck!
YO means Yarn Over
I absolutely LOVE this hat! You've done an amazing job figuring it all out and knitting it! I wish I knew how to knit so badly right now....unless someone would like to do me a huuuuge favor? ;) Is it difficult to learn? Like I said, great job, and thanks for doing this for all of us Hermione fans!
I've mentioned your pattern here
I am a very novice knitter (i.e. this is my first project other than a dishcloth), and I seem to have screwed it up. The top doesn't look anything like yours. In fact, it just looks like flat knitting. When I was decreasing, I moved my marker to the other side of the stitch that i picked up from the beginning of the next row to complete the k2tog. Is this where I went wrong? Since i had one less stitch at the end of each row than the pattern called for, I'm thinking it is. Help please?
Anonymous, I'm not quite sure what you mean by it looking like "flat knitting" me and we'll figure out what's going on. Send a picture if you can! jlyarnworks [at]
Hey... This hat looks really awesome!!! I am pumped to start it! Just wondering but I know that it says to use circular knitting needles but I only have regular ones... is it still possible for me to use this pattern?
Anonymous, the pattern could be altered to knit back and forth on straight needles, then seamed up the back. But you couldn't knit it as written without alterations. Good luck!
thanks!!! a lot for posting this; my daughter is a great fan of harry potter, and wanted the hat
I had never knitted before, and this afternoon will finish it; had to make some changes because the yarn we choose is thick
I'm trying to figure out how to close it with the head shape, but will find out somehow.. may be my mother can help me
will post a pic soon
Love your hat and scarf pattern! I'm casting on now so that I have a chance to get them done by winter. You have a great Etsy store. Noticed you live in S. Dakota. My grandma lives in Wessington Springs!
can I follow the pattern as much when you use circular metric size 4? cause I don't have others haha. although my length is 80 cm, i can still use it right?, just pull a bit on the string while working on it, or will this have influence on the hat?
and I'm not sure about how much yarn I would need. i have a 22"head and the balls I usually buy are 83 meters long, but i think it may be a bit short, while ravelry said you'll need 91-137.. please help (: so when I'll finish my scarf I can get working on this (:
Just made this hat! I've never done cables before, so fun. I'll be posting a pic on my blog in just a sec. I followed the pattern except added 22 to make it wider and I did not do the cable repeat for a woman's hat, I only added one extra row of K6, P5 before decreasing. Fits great! I used an alpaca yarn (forget the name but it was unfamiliar to me) and size 5 needles.
Just knitted this hat - I loved the pattern. Thanks a lot! :)
Love from Norway :)
I do not understand row 4.5. Is it another row of its own? that part is just really confuseing to me
Anonymous, yes, it's a new row on all its own. I originally mistakenly skipped this row and had to go back later and add it in. To avoid confusion for those who had already printed the pattern, I called this additional row "4.5" when in reality, it's row 5.
I love this pattern, and I am currently making my fourth one! I adapted the pattern to make a baby hat and it is so pretty, may I post it on ravelry with full credit to you as originator?
I'm having troubles understanding how to do row 27. If you could explain a little bit, I'd be very grateful!
Row 27: [Slip 3 stitches onto cable needle and hold in front of work, K3, knit stitches on cable needle, P5] around
This is just a cabling row. You'll want a cable needle to execute this.
First, you slip 3 stitches onto the cable needle and let it hang to the front. Then you knit the next 3 stitches in the round. Then you knit the 3 stitches from the cable needle. This creates your first cable. Next, you purl 5 stitches.
Then repeat the cable and purling all the way around.
If you need more help with the cables, here's a video that might help. She starts the cable around minute 2:00.
Let me know if you need more help!
Yay, I got it. Thank you very much! I'm really enjoying the pattern.
I have size 8 dpn adn circular needles and maybe size 6 or 7 dpn, too (I don't know which). I also have Lion Brand Bulky 5 yarn. I don't have a cable needle but I think it is possible to substitute a dpn instead. Will I be able to make this hat?
Will I still be able to do this pattern with size 5 bulky yarn (Lion Brand) an size 6 needles? Or size 8 needles?
Cathy, sorry for the slow response. I was busy with the holidays. :) Just like any other knitting pattern, it is possible to substitute yarn and change needle sizes, but will require some math to figure out the new stitch count -- both how many to cast on and how many repeats of the pattern to do. It will change the look though. Here's an example I found of someone who used a bulky yarn and larger needles: Hope that helps!
This looks like the perfect project. I've got a pen pal in the UK who's a huge Harry Potter fan and is currently going through chemo for breast cancer. She's lost her hair. I'm making her chemo caps. This will be #7. Thanks for posting.
Thanks so much! I think this will work since I really like the pattern.
Can I make this hat using a long tail cast-on? Thanks!
Yes, you can use any cast-on method you'd like! I only suggested the above cast-on because I felt it would look best....and closest to the movie version. You can use whatever method works for you!
Thank you so much! I'm going to cast on tonight then! I have 2 to make as I have 2 daughters :-)
Hi there! Way back in 2008 there was a comment that asked about changing the K6,P5 to a K6,P6. You agreed and said it would be changed.
Looking through the pattern I noticed its the same and just wanted to double check which is correct before I get started.
It's a beautiful pattern I can't wait to cast on!
Sorry for the confusion, Emilie! The problem wasn't with the K6, P5. I had typed that you needed to P3 after the P2tog...instead of P2. It's been fixed and should still be K6, P5.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful pattern and offering it for free. I can't wait to get this made for my ski trip!
However, I am having a hard time obtaining the right gauge. Using size US 3 (3.25) needles on 10-ply Aran weight yarn, I'm still getting 6 stitches/inch. Before adjusting my gauge and calculate the cast-on stitches, I just wanted to confirm that your gauge is indeed 7 st/in with US5 (3.75) on 10-ply yarn in stockinette (not rib?) . I know I'm a loose knitter, but also recognized that the specified gauge usually is obtained with size 1-3 needles and fingering weight yarn. Please help!
TheYogi, the gauge listed IS correct. However, it's not using aran weight yarn, it's using worsted weight. It's intentionally knit on small needles with a tight gauge to best mimick the machine knit version from the movie. Hope that helps!
I woulike to make this for my three3 year old granddaugrher any ideas welcome, also does it haveo be done on round needles
Anonymous, ideally you'll measure the head of the 3yo grand-daughter, check your gauge, and fiddle with the yarn and needle choices until the math works out. That said, the first picture listed was my daughter when she was 3. Actually, she was probably 2 and a half. :) As for not knitting it in the round, it could certainly be knit flat with some modification, but I recommend you try it in the round if you're just nervous about circular needles. It'll be so much easier!
Any tips please , re needles i always seem t end
Up going around in different circles.
I am using 8 ply 8 circular, hoping it will fit a three year old
Thank you from ann. Re granddaughter
Me again asking for tips. What if i tied some coloured thread, on one side.
So for exsmple the work is always on the outside re the colourecd thread, i am an experieanced
Knitter, but some how i end up twisting, circular
Needles i think i even go backwards.
Thank you so much for pattern and help
Denese from aust. Tasmania
Anonymous, remember, the original is knit on US5s, so I'd go down in needle size. And/or I'd cast-on fewer stitches and do fewer repeats of the cable pattern.
As for knitting in the round, I'll try later today to do a quick tutorial blog post since it's a common question. :)
Anonymous, I've put up a tutorial on knitting in the round without getting your work twisted. I hope it helps!
i featured this pattern in my Harry Potter Hats round-up yesterday!
This is probably the best hat pattern ever. I'm making one as I re-read (for the billionth time) all of the Harry Potter books. I. LOVE. THEM!!!
it's k2p2 for the first part of the hat, not k1p1. Now I have to start all over again :/
No, it IS k1,p1 for the ribbing of the hat. Don't start over!
I knit this pattern in size 10.5 needles with Plymouth Yarn's Baby Alpaca Brush. I had to cut the ribbing down to about .75 in. to account for the length, and I did not repeat rows 28 - 40 a second time (I made it for my 6 yr. old niece). The rest of the pattern knit up nicely! Super easy, great pattern!
Just made this hat using 3.5 mm needles and Katia Merino 100%.
I thought the recipient's head was as big as mine but it turned out not to be. I'd cast on 132 stitches, but then I got the recipient's head measurement and saw it was going to be too baggy, so in row 40 I decreased one stitch inside each C3F (slip 3 stitches onto cable needle and hold in front of work, K2tog, K3, knit stitches on cable needle, P5]. The last row of cabling was done crossing 3 stitches over 2. Discovered that this made the cable lie flatter, a nice effect.
Am now making another hat for someone with the same size head, so I just cast on 120 stitches. Each cable section will be only 5 stitches wide from the start and I'll cross 3 stitches over 2.
Thanks for the great pattern!
Just finished making this hat. Turned out beautifully. Thanks for the pattern.
Completed the Hermione Cable and Eyelet Hat for my 23 year old daughter :-D Used Three Irish Girls Yarn "Halibut"... Turned out awesome!!!!
I'm a little late to the game, but I've had my eye on this hat ever since the movie came out. I tried your pattern and love it!! Thanks so much for making it available- it worked out perfectly. I used Rockin' the Wool (heavy worsted/light bulky) and the stitches are crisp and well defined.
Hi there, I'm fairly new to knitting, but I've made a cable hat before, and then I came across your version, and my 17yo daughter wants me to make it for her. She has a fairly small head and fits my hat which is 56cm around. I cast on 100 stitches to make this hat. My question is, if I only cast on 100 stitches, and not the 110 you recommend, will it stuff the rest of the pattern up? Thanks for any help :-)
Adapted this lovely pattern into leg warmers for my 11-year old granddaughter. They are stunning and would send a photo if you wish. Thank you so much for sharing.
With winter coming, there is about to be an influx of homeless folks hitting shelters for help. Whatever your thoughts about homelessness in general, Women Hats
Not sure if Original Jones has made the hat in a smaller size - I have a small head as well and always have to adjust hat patterns. Here are a few things that work for me: 1) do the ribbing using a smaller needle; 2) look at the repeat of the pattern - in this case it is 11; so when you reduce, calculate what the cast on needs to be. In this case you would cast on 99 to get 9 repeats vs the 10 repeats with 110. Length poses a problem for me - so I often begin my decreases a few rows early.
Love this hat! Just made it for my son's girlfriend and it's adorable, thanks so much!I used a k2tg/ssk decrease, and it finished the cables beautifully. Fantastic pattern!!
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