This was my first year as a vendor at Shepherd's Harvest. I had no idea what to expect, but knew from vendors I met at North Country Fiber Fair that it was a good one.
The closer the weekend came, the less prepared I felt. Will pre-show nerves ever go away? Sheesh! At least I knew the yarn was pretty!
And here was my booth. The stitch markers are on my new (and them!) displays on the back table. My pendants are on the navy velvet board. Baskets hold the Karatstix bamboo tools. I had assorted vintage buttons in the white bowl. And greeting cards in the box.
And here's my yarn, the Hermione hat with free pattern, and a few project bags.
All-in-all the show was FABULOUS! Sales were good, the customers were wonderful, and there were fuzzy critters everywhere you turned!
Some highlights:
- Met cloudlover and bought some of her yummy yummy fiber! I cannot describe how soft her fibers are. Just trust her name... Pictures forthcoming.
- Met several customers I knew from places like Twitter and Ravelry. (My brain is fried, so if this was you -- Kris, help? -- then fess up in the comments, k?)
- Met several customers I'd never met before in person or online, but who told me they had my store or blog bookmarked, which absolutely made my day!
- Even met one woman who recognized the Hermione hat and had "a moment" as if I were a famous knitter. :) That one totally rocked my socks! Gave me a "moment" of my own!
- Saw Annie Modesitt and nearly accosted her, but thankfully realized she was exiting the restrooms as I was waiting in line and that it would probably be poor form to grab her and start stammering.
- I was unable to get great pics of everything else the festival had to offer because my own booth was so busy! My only purchases were from within my own building!
- Special thanks to J* for tagging along, letting me work her to the bone, and not hating me for it. :)
If you saw me at Shepherd's Harvest, please leave a comment. I'd love to see all of your blogs!
A couple of your items got a very nice mention here:
But alas, I don't think they linked to your shop. Hopefully folks can make out your URL in the photo.
Gorgeous yarns. I'm looking forward to attending Rhinebeck this year for the first time!
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